Safyr Empowerment Programme
and Commitment
At Safyr Capital, we value integrity, excellence, and commitment.
We are committed to working towards the inclusion of vulnerable populations, and we believe in empowering individuals and communities for autonomy, self-sufficiency, and sustainability.
To this end, we have established the Safyr Empowerment Program, which works closely with NGOs on long-term community projects in Mauritius to promote the inclusion of vulnerable people.
Our Focus Areas
Youth Empowerment
Youth Empowerment Program
We accept that it is our responsibility to guide our youth towards the right career paths. Through training and education, we strive to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become responsible citizens of tomorrow. Our goal is to provide them with the tools they need to achieve their full potential and contribute positively to society.

Poverty Alleviation
We recognize that poverty reduction is one of the world’s most pressing challenges and believe that it is our responsibility to contribute to economic growth and employment in our country to make a significant impact in mitigating this challenge.
Our goal is to promote respect and dignity for all individuals, and to change the negative perception of poverty. By creating sustainable win-win situations, we aim to provide opportunities for people to choose how they earn a living. Our ultimate objective is to empower them to become fully independent.